Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Morning Glory, Fresh Bread, and Marianne Williamson

I spent the majority of 1991 pregnant. My mother-in-law told me about LaVyrle Spencer. She said that I needed to relax, kick back, and just "be." I told her that I didn't want to read romance novel smut. She told me that it wasn't smutty.. and off we went to the K Mart to buy a book.

The very first LaVyrle Spencer book, I read, was Morning Glory. It remains my, absolute, favorite, to this day.

Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of reading it, with my best friend. I was able to bring Will and Ellie into someone else's life.

There is something so simple and honest in this story. It taught me how to look at things, from a smaller perspective. To enjoy so much more, in little things.

I don't think I saw flowering weeds, in the cracks, of cement, before I read Morning Glory.


I am a sammich wh*re. Everything tastes better on good bread. I would choose a yeasty roll over chocolate. There is nothing better than the smell of baking bread. Okay, maybe the taste.


Marianne Willaimson has touched me, again, with Everyday Grace. What Alton Brown does for Food, Marianne does for religious spirituality.

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