Monday, June 30, 2014

1. Bullet Journaling
2. Blog organization
3. Beautiful Floral box storage

Saturday, June 14, 2014

1. Etsy Delivery. 8x8 Almanac Collection.
2. JoAnn Delivery Chip Board.
3. YouTube Crafters - Paper Flowers and Roses

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

1. Dawn at ItsOnlyaDream97 Blogger and Vlogger on YouTube. Gorgeous journal creater and book alter creations. I adore her training videos.

2. Paper Ephemera

3. Organization

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

petunias, rosemary, basil

Its that time, again, to plant the garden. I just love playing in God's dirt. :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

birds, bees, ducks

  1. I can hear the birds singing outside. That means its warm enough for them to be about and happily sharing their tunes.
  2. There are duck eggs, in a nest, under a duck, outside my bedroom window. It must be Spring.
  3. The Carpenter bees are already trying to eat my herb garden raised bed. Its time to plant the garden!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Catching back up

Sometimes life gets in the way. But I didn't want another moment to go by without thinking of three beautiful things.

Today's post is sentimental.. I guess its my favorite four thingz.. there I go breakin' the rules..

1. My electric blanket
2. Katie Lynne Burandt
3. Matthew Burandt
4. Morgan Burandt

My children. I love you. I miss you when you are away and can't wait for you to return. I know you are almost all adults but you are still momma's babies. Do your best. Be good examples to others. Forgive. Love, Mom

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

dentist, chocolate milk, demerol

I have a fantastic dentist. He stops when I freak out on him and takes very good care of me.. especially when I'm in pain.

Chocolate Milk (whole milk) is my go-to after dental procedures. It may not be good for me but it is filling for times when I'm not going to chew a thing.

Demerol. Pain aside. :)