Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friends, the Internet, Journals

I am thankful for:
  1. New Friends who share their treasures and teach you something
  2. Online links full of food to stuff into my brain
  3. Wanting a new journal to record my way down a new path

Thursday, October 8, 2009

ribbon, programs and fresh basil

Today, I used ribbon, in red/white/blue to liven up our hand made Eagle Scout Court of Honor Programs.

Our basil has grown enough to make pesto a few times.. I'm so happy to have left-over pesto pasta in the fridge.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

leftover soup, savory muffins, raspberry lemonade

I poured a 1/2 gallon jar, of left-over Cheesy Broccoli Soup into my deep skillet, and put the best Savory Muffins, I've ever eaten, into the oven.

20 minutes later.. a heavenly meal..

Now, Simply Raspberry Lemonade. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fresh Garlic, Bread Machines, RecipeZaar

I used to always buy my minced garlic, in a jar. I didn't realize it was so easy, to work with, fresh. I would never use fresh garlic without a press.. but it so worth it to skip the crap in the jar.

Rolls are so easy, to make, when you run the dough setting, of your bread machine. I just didn't know what I didn't know.

I'm so thankful for all the tried-and-true recipes (especially for rolls) on Recipezaar. I don't have to reinvent the wheel *that* much. :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Peanut Butter, Postal Letters, and Self-Planting Basil

School has started.. and the virus' have no mercy. I'm finding Captain Johns Bread and Peanut Butter and Jelly easier to prepare, by all, several time a day.. sustaining.

On my way inside, the front door, the other day, coming home from the doctor, I noticed there are two, almost evenly spaced basil plants coming up, in the Rosemary/Chive pot, I planted, about six weeks ago. There is what appears to be Thai Basil on the left, and Sweet Basil (prob Genevieve) on the right. Amazing.

I received a wonderful letter from my step-mother. I forgot about the joy of receiving postal mail. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Birthday Dinners, lemonade, and Pie

We made it to Jim N Nicks, for TheBoys Birthday Dinner.

The fresh lemonade and the cheddar biscuits (that taste like corn) were fabulous.

We ordered a combo platter, with Ribs + 3meats + 4 sides. We all had bites of ribs, beef brisket, pulled pork, and smoked chicken. I, sadly, chose Collards over creamed spinach, and others chose macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and baked beans.

They brought Matt a comp slice of pie. He chose pecan. We, then, tried the Ice Box lemon.. it was rich and fresh on a graham crust. Yum.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

laughter, sleep, and movies "in"

Its so nice to hear the children laughing, all the time. Even as they become adults, they haven't stopped the practical jokes, on each other.

They went to see a movie, this morning, while I caught up on some lost sleep.

When they got home, Netflix had been delivered, in the mail. We watched 7 pounds, with Will Smith, and Knowing, with Nicholas Cage.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Katie Lynne is visiting, hot pink toe nails, and family history

pink toe nailsKatie Lynne is on a break, from BYU-Idaho and came to see us, for the weekend. Yay!

She and Girlie painted my toe nails!

We found several new names, to add to our PAF. We found some family contact in a message board, with a couple more generations. WIN!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chocolate, Chocolate, and Chocolate

I love snobby chocolate.

Dove, is the over-the-counter convenience store option. I buy dark and milk, and eat a piece, of each, at the same time. Its a spin on some specialty bar Dove makes, with two layers, of each. I just cheat.

If I have an option to choose Green & Black's Organic, I will. Milk Chocolate. Milk Chocolate with Almonds. Silky smooth fabulous chocolate.

Then, of course, there is Mo's Bacon Bar. Sinfully yummy.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Morning Glory, Fresh Bread, and Marianne Williamson

I spent the majority of 1991 pregnant. My mother-in-law told me about LaVyrle Spencer. She said that I needed to relax, kick back, and just "be." I told her that I didn't want to read romance novel smut. She told me that it wasn't smutty.. and off we went to the K Mart to buy a book.

The very first LaVyrle Spencer book, I read, was Morning Glory. It remains my, absolute, favorite, to this day.

Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of reading it, with my best friend. I was able to bring Will and Ellie into someone else's life.

There is something so simple and honest in this story. It taught me how to look at things, from a smaller perspective. To enjoy so much more, in little things.

I don't think I saw flowering weeds, in the cracks, of cement, before I read Morning Glory.


I am a sammich wh*re. Everything tastes better on good bread. I would choose a yeasty roll over chocolate. There is nothing better than the smell of baking bread. Okay, maybe the taste.


Marianne Willaimson has touched me, again, with Everyday Grace. What Alton Brown does for Food, Marianne does for religious spirituality.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Photos, Crab Cakes, and Cheese Grits

World Wide Photo Walk.. - Charleston Edition!


Crab Cakes and Cheese Grits Cakes at Laura Albert's!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Friends who cook, Telephone Connections, Family History Connections, Online

I have had the recent pleasure of enjoying friends, who introduce me to culturally diverse foods. I learned how to fry yukon potatoes, into chips, in a double fry system. They came out beautiful and the kids said, "No more 5 Guys." Big win.

I added a voice to a tweet-friend, today. Its like taking a step, into deeper water, in a swimming pool.. with someone.. as voices bring about communication in more than 140 characters, at a time. ::waving:: Hi Wendy.

I have the pleasure of researching family history for extended relatives. Multiple marriages bring people into your life.. and when who they are, is special to you.. you add them.. and research them.. I added several links to trees, gedcoms, websites, and photos. Win.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Morphing my Gratitude Blog..

I am turning over a new leaf, with my Gratitude Blog..

Maybe 3 Thingz will be easier to keep updated..